Monday 11 January 2016

Concours d'art oratoire

It's that time of year again! This week, students will begin working on their French speeches or Concours d'art oratoire. The writing process will be broken down into several steps:
1) Planning
2) Research
3) Paragraph planning
4) Writing
5) Revising
6) Good copy
7) Speech

Each step will have a mini lesson where I will practice and model the step with students before they apply it to their own speech. Students will write their speeches in French so that I can authentically assess their French writing ability. We have practiced and reviewed several strategies for different French writing components and how to look up unknown words. I will be encouraging them to apply these same strategies to their speech writing.

Students are being given an hour everyday in class for working on different steps of the speech to minimize the amount of work that needs to be done at home. I have also provided students with a copy of the rubric that I will be using to help them assess their own writing and identify what they need to improve before handing in their final copy.

We are aiming to have our speeches done and ready to present the first week in February. I will be able to give you a more specific date and time once we near the end of our good copy writing.

**Students wishing to compete at school level will need to have a 2-4 minute memorized speech.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Mme. Buchanan

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